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LMU-CSC Program



欢迎来到 慕尼黑大学-中国国家留学基金管理委员会奖学金项目!

As a special program by the Chinese Government, the China Scholarship Council (CSC) assigns scholarships  for students taking their Ph.D.-programs abroad every year. The LMU has a privileged partnership with the CSC which enables us to recruit highly qualified Chinese post-graduates supported with a scholarship by the Chinese Government.

It is the goal of the LMU-China Scholarship Council-program (LMU-CSC program) to recruit the best-educated Ph.D.-students from China and to sustainably further co-operations in research thereby, especially with our partner institutions within the LMU-China Academic Network (LMU-ChAN).
The Faculty of Medicine is supporting the International Office in selection and placement of qualified Chinese Ph.D.-students in order to reach this goal.
Academic coordinator for the LMU-CSC-program at the Faculty of Medicine is Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Plesnila.

Since the beginning of the program in 2005, the Faculty is supervising the biggest group of the about 40 annual Chinese Ph.D.-students, who are pursuing their doctoral degree at LMU within the LMU-CSC-program in full-time or in certain phases of their doctoral studies (so called Sandwich awardees).

Differences between the LMU-CSC-program and individual applications at CSC:

  • Professors offer projects for Ph.D. students (so called ‘Open Positions’) and the International Office at LMU organises the application and communication of these projects.
  • Chinese graduates apply centrally at the International Office and are only passed on to potential supervisors after a first formal eligibility check
  • After successful placement, the International Office is coordinating the central selection- and application process for the China Scholarship Council

Advantages of the LMU-CSC-program:

  • An application via the LMU-CSC-program augments the chances to receive a governmental scholarship by CSC
  • It offers a structured framework program:

- Provision of accommodation for the first year of studies
- Airport pick-up upon arrival in Munich
- 4-weeks orientation program, including language course and intercultural training
- Centrally organised poster sessions to present the individual research projects and further each research program

  • Intercultural advisory service for Ph.D.-students and supervisors
