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Application instructions for professorships
(W3, W2, and W1 (junior) professorships)

We are pleased that you would like to apply for a professorship at the Faculty of Medicine of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München.

Please submit the following documents with your application for a currently advertised professorship (see The LMU Job Portal - Professorships) to by the specified end of the advertisement period at the latest, stating which professorship you would like to apply for.

For complete application documents, see the respective advertisement text (e.g. cover letter, CV, short application form, Munich Publication and third-party-funds Matrix, academic career, list of publications, teaching list, third-party funding, references, certificates).

Submissions must be made by the respective deadline specified in the advertisement (see The LMU Job Portal - Professorships)

by email in one single PDF to:

or by mail to

(Habilitationsverfahren, APL-Bestellungen, Besetzung/Verstetigung von Professuren)
Dekanat Medizinische Fakultaet
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen
Bavariaring 19
80336 Muenchen