Medical Faculty

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The Faculty of Medicine and the University Hospital of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU Munich) are among the strongest research centres of university medicine in Europe and are characterised by excellent research and teaching. At the two campus "Großhadern" and "Innenstadt (City Center)", doctors and scientists are developing new diagnostic and treatment methods and training the next generation of physicians. Patients benefit directly from the findings of state-of-the-art medicine in clinical studies.

Milestones and names in the history of medicine are connected with LMU Munich: Röntgen, Alzheimer, Pettenkofer (Hygiene), Nußbaum (antiseptic Treatment), Butenandt (sexual Hormone), Lynen (cholesterol).

Today, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU Munich) is the only university in Germany to host all eight German Centers for Health Research. As part of the national program for excellence the faculty hosts the Munich Cluster for Systems Neurology. The faculty is speaker of five nationally supported Collaborative Research Center (CRC) and Transregios of the German Research Foundation, sixteen Grants from the European Research Council (Starting, Consolidator, Advanced) and numerous other European research projects. From day one, students of human medicine and dentistry are introduced to the ideal image of the " clinician scientist", who unites the healthcare provider with the researcher.

The Fact Sheet Research 2024 offers an overview of the highlights, funding and structures of the medical faculty.

Additional information for employees and students can be found on the internal research portal.

  • Focus areas

    The LMU Medical Faculty particularly promotes the formation of interdisciplinary foci that cover a broad spectrum overall. Six research foci have been designed to provide a focus. They are grouped under the broad theme of "Biomedicine for Life and Quality of Life". more

  • Research collaborations

    The Medical Faculty and the Clinical Centre of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich coordinate numerous national and international research networks. more

  • Funding programs

    Scientists receive support on their way to research projects in the Faculty of Medicine's Research and Teaching funding programme and in the University of Munich's LMUexcellent future concept. more

  • Core Facilities

    A large part of cutting-edge medical research relies on state-of-the-art technology. Equally important is experience in operating such large-scale equipment and expertise in evaluating and interpreting the data obtained. more

  • Spin-offs

    Several successful start-ups have emerged from the research facilities of the Medical Faculty and the Hospital in recent years more

  • Facts and Figures

    At the two sites, Campus Großhadern and City Centre, doctors and scientists develop new diagnostic and treatment procedures and train the next generation of doctors. Patients benefit directly from the findings of state-of-the-art medicine in clinical trials. more

  • Publications

    The scientific findings of the researchers at the Faculty of Medicine are presented in more than 3,400 publications every year. With a cumulative impact factor of more than 19,000, the Faculty of Medicine makes an outstanding contribution to innovations in medical research. more

  • Honorary professors

    Honorary professors at the LMU medical faculty. more

  • Contact

    The Research Dean's Office is available to answer questions related to research. more