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LMU - China Academic Network (LMU-ChAN)

China is becoming increasingly important in science. Since 2015 LMU Munich has established the "LMU China Academic Network" in order to provide institutional support and expand the diverse collaborations with the best universities in China and Hong Kong. 

LMU-ChAN consists of 11 partner universities

Peking University
Tsinghua University
Renmin University
Fudan University
Shanghai Jiaotong University
Tongji University
Zhejiang University
Nanjing University
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The University of Hong Kong
Sun Yat-sen University

The Medical Faculty maintains numerous individual contacts with China between single scientists. In the course of the establishment of the LMU-ChAN, the faculty promotes research focuses in the core areas of gastroenterology, precision medicine and neurosciences. These are especially successfully established in cooperation with the partner universities Zhejiang(Hangzhou), Shanghai Jiaotong (Shanghai), Peking and the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

A particularly close cooperation in teaching and research exists since 2016 with the Chinese University of Hongkong, on whose initiative the Global Alliance of Medical Excellence (GAME) was founded in November 2017, in which the Medical Faculty is actively involved in research projects alongside the eight other founding members.

A cornerstone of the strategic cooperation between the LMU and the Chinese partner universities is the LMU-CSC program, which enables particularly qualified Chinese postgraduates to obtain their doctoral degree or to spend a doctoral phase at LMU. The aim of the program is to recruit the best trained doctoral students from the partner universities and to sustainably promote research cooperation.
