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The Medical Curriculum Munich (MeCuMLMU) as an undergraduate medical curriculum is designed to equip students with professional skills, research qualifications and psychosocial expertise. The goal of this education is to produce physicians who are capable of life-long learning and of handling the challenges posed by social change and scientific development.

Clinical Study Section

Please find a detailed learning catalogue here (German)

Module 1: Basics of clinical medicine

Module 1 functions as a link between the preclinical knowledge students have acquired and its practical application to clinical problems. In addition to expanding their knowledge and its practical application to chosen examples, students are introduced to the basics of pharmacotherapy and toxicology. Module 1 thus lays the basis for the lessons in cardinal symptoms given in Modules 23 through 5. The average number of core classes in Module 1 – without the longitudinal courses – amounts to approx. 15 hours per week. Problem-Oriented Learning in the seminar room (POLiS) based on a real clinical case is offered on two dates during the semester. The courses demonstrate the relationships between the clinically theoretical subjects and their application in everyday clinical settings.

Module 23: Fundamental interdisciplinary year of medicine

In Module 23, the contents of the internal course (formerly Module 2) and the surgery course (formerly Module 3) have been integrated into an interdisciplinary clinical foundational year in order to portray the interdisciplinary reality of healthcare through an interdisciplinary curriculum. Lessons take place during eight organ-oriented blocks, every block lasts a total of four weeks. Many different interdisciplinary medical subjects such as emergency medicine or pharmacology are addressed in Module 23, either in the organ blocks or in the context of interdisciplinary sessions.

Practical training block in Internal medicine

Students themselves choose the learning goals they wish to achieve from a list of learning goals. The focus of the practical training block in "Internal Medicine" is to acquire communication competency. The practical training block concludes with a simulation of medical rounds in the ZeUS teaching clinic. During this portion of the training block, students learn the most common challenging situations encountered during rounds, how to communicate in a team, and how to fulfill the multiple roles that present themselves during the rounds.

Practical training block in Surgery

The stations and learning goals are individually chosen by the students in the practical training block "Surgery" as well. The focus here is on acquiring practical competencies. Important behavioral measures regarding proper hygienic conduct on the ward and in the operating room are drilled.

Module 4: Nervous system and sensorium (+ Wednesday courses)

Module 4 is broken down into two half-semesters, one-half of the students being instructed in neurology and psychiatry in the first half of the semester and subsequently in otorhinolaryngology, opthalmology, dermatology and psychosomatic medicine in the second half of the semester. The other half of the students pass through the same program in reverse order. The content and timing of the lectures and seminars are synchronized. The written examination (MC questions) is evaluated and divided into two parts. Students take the written exam after the first half of the semester and again upon completion of the semester in those subjects which they attended during that half of the semester. In addition, there is an oral-practical examination in neurology, psychiatry, otorhinolaryngology, ophthalmology and dermatology in which there is no grade, just pass or fail. In order to consolidate knowledge and for the purpose of discussion, tutorials take place in small groups. The tutorials are organized on an interdiscipliniary basis as problem-based instruction involving patient cases and are spread over the entire semester.

Module 5: The stages of life (+ Wednesday courses + Compulsory Elective Seminars)

The main subjects are "Pediatrics" and "Gynecology and Obstetrics". In addition, sessions take place on geriatrics, pediatric surgery and pharmacology as well as clinical-pathological conferences. Students will also have an opportunity to further investigate one subject of their own interest in the context of a week-long elective, choosing from a large number of electives ranging from alpine and mountain medicine to language lessons to forensic medicine.

Elective subjects

This clinical elective is focused on practice. There are multiple subjects that are offered, including internal and surgical sub-specialties of (pediatric) psychiatry, natural medicine, tropical medicine, radiation therapy and palliative medicine, among many others (see list Module 5 "Elective Clinical Study Section"). The aim of this course is to enable students to learn or acquire more in-depth knowledge in a single subject in compressed form.

Longitudinal (L) / Wednesday courses

The contents supplement the courses dealt with in the modules, address them from a different point of view or introduce entirely new areas of medicine to the students. The focus is always on the interaction between doctor and patient as well as the role of the doctor with respect to patients and society as a whole. Feedback from standardized patients while the medical history is being taken and a physical examination is being performed is a new and particularly important element in the clinical repertoire.

Compulsory Elective Seminars: Outpatient medicine

This course contains not only lectures and seminars but also the regular participation of students in patient care in an outpatient clinic. Students learn to arrive at an acceptable diagnosis quickly using diagnostically and economically reasonable means. A special feature of the course is that scientific studies or guidelines are covered in a structured manner and brought together with the cases experienced in practice. In the final two semesters, seminars known as compulsory seminars provide the possibility of choosing subjects and topics based on the student’s interests and learning style.

The Practical Year (PY)

During the PY, students consolidate and expand their competences acquired in the clinical study section into their day-to-day work. The application of these competences to the individual case of illness is the core of the training course. Furthermore, the PY organizers are particularly concerned that there is adequate preparation for the oral-practical exams at the competion of the studies. The quality of teaching is greatly emphasized at the LMU, even during the PY. Hence, the training institutions and training centres are monitored and evaluated at regular intervals with regard to the defined quality criteria.

Students at the LMU have available to them a large selection of PY places at the university hospitals and teaching hospitals.