Medical Faculty

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Courses & lectures

The courses offered by MeCuM for incoming exchange students, including the hours and ECTS points, can be found in the list at the bottom of this page.

Our curriculum is based on one module per semester (except for Module 23: extends over two semesters). All modules are offered every semester. You will find a survey of the modules at: Curriculum

When choosing courses, please select a module according to your personal priority. If you do not need the complete module for credit purposes, you may also select only individual course blocks from it, but not single courses.
The details you provide are binding, subsequent changes in the portal cannot be taken into consideration. After admission, please look at the information for medical students in the application portal.

  • Note on Module 23: In any one semester, only complete blocks from Part 1 or Part 2 can be taken. The Interdisciplinary Courses, classes to deepen expertise and interests across organ blocks, are not dependent on the part taken.
  • Note on Practical training block in Internal medicine & Surgery (M23/o): The practical training blocks are only suitable for students spending a full year at LMU and take place in spring in the period between terms. Please sign up for the course chosen for the Summer Semester.
  • Note on Module 5 – Compulsory Elective Seminar: Outpatient medicine & Elective Clinical Study Section: If you wish to sign up for this, please first check the box by the courses 7M3410/7M3604 & 7M1625 in the list of course selections. After you have been enrolled and have been given access to the Campusportal, you will be able to book one or more electives online, provided that there are places available.
  • Note on History Taking (3 ECTS, Summer Semester): The offer includes interactive lectures, case studies for practicing comprehensive History Taking skills under the direction of experts, and an opportunity to go into the content in greater depth and have discussions with fellow students. It is a virtual course held in English for medical students and students of health professions, which has been developed jointly by lecturers from Munich, Bari and St. Louis. The course runs parallel to the LMU summer semester.

Requesting several modules in one semester:

According to the MeCuM logic, it is only possible to take one module per semester without any clashes and without any loss of points.
In the past, requests to combine different modules in one semester were only successful in a few cases. It is unfortunately not possible to say in advance whether individual subjects from different modules can be combined in any particular semester. This depends on whether suitable places are available after regular places have been allocated.
Should you still want to combine two or more modules: Please indicate the subject (or group of subjects in descending order) which is most important for you to take and prioritize in your application form. The first priority determines the structure of your timetable, all following priorities will be booked as long as there are no time conflicts. It is essential to state a subject as your priority. Otherwise, your application cannot be considered.
Please also bear in mind: It is not possible to change your choice of courses retroactively, i.e. in the event of conflicts (overlapping times or courses already fully booked) you will need to amend your Learning Agreement During Mobility.
We therefore strongly recommend that you commit to one particular module in order to make the planning process more secure. LMU cannot guarantee that you will be able to take part in all selected courses should you decide to combine modules.


Once your list of course choices has been received and your placement has been approved, the Dean’s Office will prepare your timetable for the coming semester.


Please note the following:

  • German proficiency at a B2 level is required at time of application
  • The course choices you make are binding.
  • The final assignment is the sole responsibility of the Dean’s Office. Please do not contact the modules or teachers for course assignment.
  • Certificates will only be issued for tuition assigned by the Dean’s office.
  • You study in accordance with the LMU examination and study regulations.
  • The relevant examinations are held at the end of the courses, up to two weeks after the end of lectures. To sign up for examinations, please consult the departmental representative after the beginning of lectures.
  • Please make sure to hand in the log books to the corresponding module after completion of your courses.


Your timetable can only be activated in the Campusportal after you have enrolled at LMU. Activation takes a few days. Approximately one week before lectures start you can then see the timetable and the courses to which you have been assigned. Information on lecture times at the Medical Faculty can be found at: "Vorlesungszeiten"

Module 1


M1.I: Introduction
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M0800 Introduction to Module 1 1 0
M1.II: Pathology
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M0801 Lecture: Pathology 80 5
7M0802 Course: Pathology
7M0803 Seminar: Pathology
M1.III: Imaging methods, radiation treatment and protection
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M0804 Seminar: Imaging methods, radiation treatment and protection 40 3
7M0805 Lecture: Imaging methods, radiation treatment and protection
M1.IV: Human genetics
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M0806 Lecture: Human genetics with exercises 32 1
7M0816 Seminar: Human genetics
M1.V: Medical microbiology and immunology
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M0807 Course: Medical microbiology and immunology 80 4
7M0808 Seminar: Medical microbiology and immunology
7M0809 Lecture: Medical microbiology and immunology
M1.VI: Pathophysiology
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M0810 Lecture: Pathophysiology 18 0
M1.VII: Clinical chemistry and laboratory diagnostics
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M0811 Lecture: Clinical chemistry and laboratory diagnostics 63 5
7M0813 Exercises and seminars: Clinical chemistry and laboratory diagnostics
M1.VIII: Pharmacology
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M0812 Lecture and course: Pharmacology 56 4
7M0814 Seminar: Pharmacology
POLiS: Problem-Oriented Learning in the Seminar room
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M0815 POLiS (Problem-Oriented Learning in the Seminar room) 4 0
Curriculum Oncology
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M0801-12 Lecture: Curriculum Oncology 22 0

Module 23 – Part 1


M23/1_I: AINS – Anesthesia, Intensive Care, Emergency Medicine and Pain Therapy
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1339 Tandem lecture: Pain medicine (Q14), pharmacology and cancer pain 65 6,5
7M1342 Bedside teaching: Anesthesia and Intensive Care – AINS
7M1343 Seminar: Anesthesia, Intensive Care, Respiration – AINS
7M1345 E-learning: Anesthesia – AINS
7M1350 E-learning: Intensive care – AINS
7M1351 Practical training: Emergency medicine – AINS
7M1352 Seminar: Emergency medicine – AINS
7M1353 E-learning: Emergency medicine – AINS
7M1354 Bedside teaching: Pain therapy AINS and Pain medicine (Q14)
7M1355 Seminar: Pain medicine (Q14)
7M1356 Seminar: Radiology – AINS
7M1357 E-learning: Pain therapy – AINS
7M1358 E-learning: AINS
7M1359 Lecture: The doctor’s emergency kit – emergency medication (Q9)
7M1384   Problem-based tutorials (PBL tutorials) - AINS
M23/1_II: Endocrinology System
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1311 Lecture block: Endocrinology System 39 6,5
7M1312 Bedside teaching: Endocrinology System
7M1313 Seminar: Endocrinology System
7M1316 E-learning: Endocrinology System
7M1384 Problem-based tutorials (PBL tutorials) - ENDO
M23/1_III: Cardiovascular System
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1290 Indroduction: Cardiovascular System 73 6,5
7M1291 Lecture block: Cardiovascular System
7M1292 Bedside teaching: Cardiovascular System
7M1293 Seminar: Cardiovascular System
7M1295 Skills Lab
7M1296 Clinical-Pharmacological Conference: Cardiovascular System
7M1297 E-learning: Cardiovascular System
7M1298 Skills Lab
7M1384 Problem-based tutorials (PBL tutorials) - CARDIO
M23/1_IV: Gastrointestinal System
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1289 Lecture: Diagnostically relevant aspects of gastrointestinal histopathology 54 6,5
7M1300 Introduction: Gastrointestinal System
7M1301 Lecture block: Gastrointestinal System
7M1302 Bedside teaching: Gastrointestinal System
7M1303 Seminar: Gastrointestinal System
7M1305 Skills: Gastrointestinal System
7M1306 Rectal-digital examination: Gastrointestinal System
7M1307 E-learning: Gastrointestinal System
7M1384 Problem-based tutorials (PBL tutorials) - GASTRO

Module 23 – Part 2


M23/2_I: Rheumatology
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1274 Lecture: Rheuma – NUGS & Respiratory System 13 1,6
7M1275 Seminar: Rheumatology
7M1277 Methodology seminar: Rheuma – NUGS & Respiratory System
7M1384 Problem-based tutorials (PBL tutorials) Module 23/2 - Rheuma
M23/2_II: Traumatology
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1266 Web-based case studies, patient-centered trauma care and MANV – NUGS & Respiratory System 26 1,5
7M1267 Lecture: Traumotology triage MANV – NUGS & Respiratory System
7M1269 Lecture: Traumatology – NUGS & Respiratory System
7M1270 Practical training: Traumatology TRI – NUGS & Respiratory System
7M1271 Practical training: Traumatology RAD – NUGS & Respiratory System
7M1272 Practical training: Traumatology TEAM – NUGS & Respiratory System
M23/2_III: NUGS – Nephro-Uro-Genital System
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1251 Interdisciplinary lecture block: NUGS 52 4,9
7M1252 Bedside teaching: NUGS
7M1253 Methodology seminar: NUGS
7M1254 Propaedeutics seminar: NUGS
7M1255 Seminar: Radiology – NUGS
7M1257 Seminar: Pharmacology (DANI) – NUGS
7M1260 Skills: NUGS
7M1261 E-learning: NUGS
7M1384 Problem-based tutorials (PBL tutorials) Module 23/2 - NUGS
M23/2_IV: Respiratory System
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1281 Lecture block: Respiratory System 28 4,9
7M1282 Bedside teaching: Respiratory System
7M1283 Seminar: Respiratory System
7M1285 E-learning: Respiratory System
7M1286 Practical course in literature searches: Respiratory System
7M1384 Problem-based tutorials (PBL tutorials) Module 23/2 - RESPI
M23/2_V: Musculoskeletal System
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1319 Introduction to the Musculoskeletal System 78 6,5
7M1321 Lecture block: Musculoskeletal System and Pain medicine (Q14)
7M1322 Bedside teaching: Orthopedics – Musculoskeletal System
7M1323 Seminar: Orthopedics – Musculoskeletal System
7M1325 Exercise: Orthopedics – Musculoskeletal System
7M1326 E-learning: Orthopedics – Musculoskeletal System
7M1329 Seminar: PMR and Pain medicine (Q14) – Musculoskeletal System
7M1330 Practical training: PMR – Musculoskeletal System
7M1331 Seminar: Radiology PMR – Musculoskeletal System
7M1334 Seminar: Trauma surgery – Musculoskeletal System
7M1336 Exercise: Trauma surgery – Musculoskeletal System
7M1337 Seminar and exercise: Hand surgery, plastic and reconstructive surgery – Musculoskeletal System
7M1384 Problem-based tutorials (PBL tutorials) Module 23/2 - Muscle
M23/2_VI: Blood and Immunology
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1361 Lecture block: Blood and Infection 46


7M1362 Bedside teaching: Blood and Infection
7M1363 Seminar: Blood and Infection
7M1365 Exercise: Patient-oriented communication (POC) – Blood and Infection
7M1367 E-learning: Blood and Infection
7M1384 Problem-based tutorials (PBL tutorials) Module 23/2 - BLOOD

Module 23 – Interdisciplinary Courses

M23/o_I Interdisciplinary lecture
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1380 Interdisciplinary lecture Module 23 24 0


M23/o_II E-learning
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1385 E-learning: Interdisciplinary courses Module 23 2 0
M23/o_III Internal medicine: Practical training block
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1315 Practical training block in Internal medicine
(only out of lecture time, ward online booking and attendance only possible with exchange mobility for a full year and after you have been successfully assigned)
57 5,5
M23/o_IV Surgery: Practical training block
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1366 Practical training block in Surgery
(ward online booking; attendance only possible in Spring in the period between terms with exchange mobility for a full year and after you have been successfully assigned)
54 5,5
M23/o_V CCD: Clinical Case Discussion
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1377 Clinical Case Discussion (CCD) 4 4

Module 4

M4_I Introduction
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1400 Nervous system and sensorium – interdisciplinary introductory lecture (including progress test) 6 0
M4_II Psychosomatic medicine and Psychotherapy
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1412 Case-based seminar: Psychosomatic medicine and Psychotherapy 16 2
7M1416 Lecture: Psychosomatic medicine and Psychotherapy
M4_III Clinical pharmacology
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1413 Practical course in prescribing, pharmacology (online booking) 28 4
7M1414 Tandem lecture: Pain medicine (Q14), Pharmacology and Neuropathic pain
7M1419 Lecture: Clinical pharmacology and Pain medicine (Q14)
M4_IV Ophthalmology
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1417 Tutorial: Nervous system and sensorium 30 3
7M1421 Lecture: Ophthalmology
7M1422 Bedside teaching / Examination course: Ophthalmology
7M1423 Seminar: Ophthalmology
M4_V Dermatology and Venerology
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1417 Tutorial: Nervous system and sensorium 30 3
7M1431 Lecture: Dermatology and Venerology
7M1432 Bedside teaching / Examination course: Dermatology and Venerology
7M1433 Seminar: Dermatology and Venerology
M4_VI Otorhinolaryngology
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1417 Tutorial: Nervous system and sensorium 32 3
7M1441 Lecture: Otorhinolaryngology
7M1442 Bedside teaching / Examination course: Otorhinolaryngology
7M1443 Seminar: Otorhinolaryngology
7M1444 Revision course: Otorhinolaryngology
M4_VII Neurology and Neurosurgery
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1417 Tutorial: Nervous system and sensorium 66 6
7M1451 Lecture: Neurology and Neurosurgery
7M1452 Bedside Teaching / Examination course: Neurology and Neurosurgery
7M1453 Seminar: Neurology and Neurosurgery
7M1454 Revision course: Neurology
M4_VIII Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1417 Tutorial: Nervous system and sensorium 64 6
7M1461 Lecture: Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
7M1462 Bedside teaching / Examination course: Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
7M1463 Seminar: Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
M4_IX Patient-oriented communication
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1465 Exercise: Patient-oriented communication (POC) 4 0,1
M4_L1 Wednesday course: History, theory and ethics of Medicine (Multidisciplinary Field Q2)
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M3400 Seminar: History, theory and ethics of Medicine 14 1
7M3401 Focus seminar: History, theory and ethics of Medicine
M4_L2 Wednesday course: Forensic medicine
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M3404 Lecture: Forensic medicine 39 2,6
7M3405 Seminar: Forensic medicine
7M3406 Practical training: Postmortems
M4_L3 Wednesday course: Health economics, health systems, public health nursing & prevention (Multidisciplinary Field Q3)
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M3207 Lecture: Health economics, health systems, public health nursing (Q3) 14 0,9
7M3209 Seminar: Health economics, health systems, public health nursing (Q3)
7M3408 Seminar: Prevention, Health promotion (Q10)
M4_L4 Wednesday course: Revision course on Pharmacology: Multimorbidity
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M3409 Revision course on Pharmacology: Multimorbidity 2 0,8

Module 5





M5_I Clinical-Pathological Conference
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS

Clinical-Pathological Conference*

*Important: ECTS will only be issued after passing the exam; both 7M1370 and 7M1601 must be selected.

20 2
M5_II_a Pediatrics
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1602 Lecture: Pediatrics 90 9
7M1603 Seminar: Pediatrics
7M1604 Tutorial: Pediatrics / Pediatric surgery
7M1606 Exercises: Pediatrics
7M1627 Online seminar: Pediatrics
7M1630 Lecture: Pediatric surgery
M5_II_b Pediatrics: Practical training block
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1605 Practical training block in Pediatrics: Lesson on patients (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 40 3,5
M5_III_a Gynecology and Obstetrics
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1607 Introduction and Lecture: Gynecology and Obstetrics 64 7,5
7M1608 Seminar: Gynecology and Obstetrics
7M1609 Tutorial: Gynecology and Obstetrics
7M1610 Exercises: Gynecology and Obstetrics
M5_III_b Gynecology and Obstetrics: Practical training block
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1611 Practical training block in Gynecology and Obstetrics: Lesson on patients (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 24 2
M5_IV Geriatrics
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1620 Lecture: Geriatrics 16 1,1
7M1621 Seminar: Geriatrics
7M1622 Exercise: Geriatrics
7M1623 Lesson on patients: Geriatrics
7M1626 Pharmacological seminar: The multimorbid patient
M5_L1 Wednesday course: Occupational medicine, Social medicine
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M3005 Lecture: Occupational medicine, social medicine 18 1,3
7M3006 Seminar: Occupational medicine, social medicine
M5_L2 Wednesday course: Q6 Clinical environmental medicine
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M3407 Lecture: Q6 Clinical environmental medicine 12 0,8
M5_P1 Altitude medicine theory and practice
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
Compulsory Elective Seminar: Outpatient medicine (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 12 0,8
M5_P2 Basics of Musculoskeletal Medicine
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
Compulsory Elective Seminar: Outpatient medicine (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 12 0,8
M5_P3 Blended-learning seminar: Making difficult ethically sound decisions on treatment
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
Compulsory Elective Seminar: Outpatient medicine (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 12 0,8
M5_P4 Bugs & Drugs – Practical Infectiology based on interactive case discussions
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
Compulsory Elective Seminar: Outpatient medicine (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 12 0,8
M5_P5 "Dr. House" – elective seminar on differential diagnosis in Internal Medicine
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
Compulsory Elective Seminar: Outpatient medicine (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 12 0,8
M5_P6 Dying – death – corpse: Medical, ethical and legal aspects in the conflict between medical assistance and decisions on end-of-life care
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
Compulsory Elective Seminar: Outpatient medicine (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 12 0,8
M5_P7 Electrocardiogram (ECG) course
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
Compulsory Elective Seminar: Outpatient medicine (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 12 0,8
M5_P8 Gene therapy
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
Compulsory Elective Seminar: Outpatient medicine (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 12 0,8
M5_P9 Hands-on: Microsurgery course for students
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
Compulsory Elective Seminar: Outpatient medicine (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 12 0,8
M5_P10 Hands-on: Osteosynthesis course on the hand skeleton and exercise in tendon suturing
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
Compulsory Elective Seminar: Outpatient medicine (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 12 0,8
M5_P11 Health problems among migrants
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
Compulsory Elective Seminar: Outpatient medicine (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 12 0,8
M5_P12 Hormones, family planning and assisted reproduction
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
Compulsory Elective Seminar: Outpatient medicine (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 12 0,8
M5_P13 Intensive course on Plastic Surgery with fascinating lectures from the whole field of plastic surgery and practical exercises
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
Compulsory Elective Seminar: Outpatient medicine (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 12 0,8
M5_P14 Interdisciplinary Medicine for people with handicaps: from Paediatrics planning to participation as an adult
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
Compulsory Elective Seminar: Outpatient medicine (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 12 0,8
M5_P15 Introduction to medical quality management
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
Compulsory Elective Seminar: Outpatient medicine (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 12 0,8
M5_P16 Lecture series on alpine and mountain medicine
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
Compulsory Elective Seminar: Outpatient medicine (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 12 0,8
M5_P17 Life in the face of death: Internship supplementing the seminar on Palliative medicine
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
Compulsory Elective Seminar: Outpatient medicine (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 12 0,8
M5_P18 Medicine.Technology.Ethics 2030: Visions for the future of clinical practice – Xenotransplantation
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
Compulsory Elective Seminar: Outpatient medicine (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 12 0,8
M5_P19 Mental health in primary care
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
Compulsory Elective Seminar: Outpatient medicine (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 12 0,8
M5_P20 One Health Core Competencies
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
Compulsory Elective Seminar: Outpatient medicine (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 12 0,8
M5_P21 Pharmacotherapy
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
Compulsory Elective Seminar: Outpatient medicine (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 12 0,8
M5_P22 Pharmacotherapy in practice
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
Compulsory Elective Seminar: Outpatient medicine (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 12 0,8
M5_P23 Perioperative care of elderly patients
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
Compulsory Elective Seminar: Outpatient medicine (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 12 0,8
M5_P24 Preparatory course in Acupuncture
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
Compulsory Elective Seminar: Outpatient medicine (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 12 0,8
M5_P25 Tasks of the Public Health Service (PHS)
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
Compulsory Elective Seminar: Outpatient medicine (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 12 0,8
M5_P26 Vaccination? One building block in prevention
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
Compulsory Elective Seminar: Outpatient medicine (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 12 0,8
M5_P27 Ethics Café at LMU hospital – clinical-ethical case discussions
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
Compulsory Elective Seminar: Outpatient medicine (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 12 0,8

Important: You have to book these courses online after enrolment (s. "Buchungszeiträume" in our Campusportal). You can only book courses that have no conflicts with other courses already in your curriculum. You can book one course at the start of the booking period. Erasmus students will be granted an extended booking period and be able to book for one day longer than LMU students. You will be able to book as many electives as fit into your curriculum on that last day. 

M5_W1 Alpine and mountain medicine
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1625 Elective Clinical Study Section (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 21 2
M5_W2 Arteriovenous malformations – rare cases of Interventional Radiology as interactive case discussions
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1625 Elective Clinical Study Section (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 21 2
M5_W3 Basic surgery for general practice
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1625 Elective Clinical Study Section (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 21 2
M5_W4 Case history group: Doctor-patient interaction with an interdisciplinary approach
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1625 Elective Clinical Study Section (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 21 2
M5_W5 Cardiology
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1625 Elective Clinical Study Section (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 21 2
M5_W6 Clinical neuro-oncology
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1625 Elective Clinical Study Section (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 21 2
M5_W7 Computer-based methods in the face and head area
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1625 Elective Clinical Study Section (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 21 2
M5_W8 Diagnostic radiology
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1625 Elective Clinical Study Section (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 21 2
M5_W9 Eat that! Nutrition in Medicine
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1625 Elective Clinical Study Section (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 21 2
M5_W10 Experimental immunology and translational medicine
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1625 Elective Clinical Study Section (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 21 2
M5_W11 Forensic medicine
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1625 Elective Clinical Study Section (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 21 2
M5_W12 General medicine: Pain therapy, including complementary treatment methods
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1625 Elective Clinical Study Section (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 21 2
M5_W13 General medicine: Sign language course for medical professionals
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1625 Elective Clinical Study Section (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 21 2
M5_W14 Global Health and One Health
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1625 Elective Clinical Study Section (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 21 2
M5_W15 Gynecology
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1625 Elective Clinical Study Section (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 21 2
M5_W16 Gynecology and Obstetrics – Perinatology
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1625 Elective Clinical Study Section (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 21 2
M5_W17 Hands-on Interventional Radiology: Simulation course in angiography
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1625 Elective Clinical Study Section (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 21 2
M5_W18 Homeopathy
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1625 Elective Clinical Study Section (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 21 2
M5_W19 Human genetics: cytogenetics
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1625 Elective Clinical Study Section (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 21 2
M5_W20 Human genetics: Do you really want to know?
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1625 Elective Clinical Study Section (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 21 2
M5_P21 Interdisciplinary Allergology
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1625 Elective Clinical Study Section (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 21 2
M5_W22 Internal medicine: addiction medicine
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1625 Elective Clinical Study Section (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 21 2
M5_W23 Intervention & simulation training: Neuroradiological treatment of the acute stroke patient as an emergency
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1625 Elective Clinical Study Section (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 21 2
M5_W24 Interventional radiology
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1625 Elective Clinical Study Section (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 21 2
M5_W25 Introduction to clinical care research
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1625 Elective Clinical Study Section (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 21 2
M5_W26 Introduction to medical quality management
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1625 Elective Clinical Study Section (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 21 2
M5_W27 Introduction to non-invasive cardiovascular imaging
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1625 Elective Clinical Study Section (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 21 2
M5_W28 IPC-KompAKT: Interprofessional collaboration – competent as a clinical team
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1625 Elective Clinical Study Section (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 21 2
M5_W29 Minimally invasive oncology/radiology; outpatients’ department and intervention
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1625 Elective Clinical Study Section (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 21 2
M5_W30 Naturopathic treatment
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1625 Elective Clinical Study Section (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 21 2
M5_W31 Nephrology
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1625 Elective Clinical Study Section (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 21 2
M5_W32 Neuroradiology: angiography and intervention
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1625 Elective Clinical Study Section (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 21 2
M5_W33 Neurorehabilitation
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1625 Elective Clinical Study Section (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 21 2
M5_W34 One Health Core Competencies
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1625 Elective Clinical Study Section (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 21 2
M5_W35 Orthopedics
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1625 Elective Clinical Study Section (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 21 2
M5_W36 Otorhinolaryngology
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1625 Elective Clinical Study Section (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 21 2
M5_W37 Palliative medicine
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1625 Elective Clinical Study Section (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 21 2
M5_W38 Patient-centered pharmacy for physicians and pharmacists
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1625 Elective Clinical Study Section (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 21 2
M5_W39 Pediatric and adolescent psychiatry and psychotherapy
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1625 Elective Clinical Study Section (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 21 2
M5_W40 Pediatrics
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1625 Elective Clinical Study Section (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 21 2
M5_W41 Pediatrics: Autoimmune diseases in children and adolescents, pediatric rheumatology and chronic pain
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1625 Elective Clinical Study Section (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 21 2
M5_W42 Pneumology and Sleep medicine
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1625 Elective Clinical Study Section (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 21 2
M5_W43 Practical tropical medicine for clinical elective & Practical Year
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1625 Elective Clinical Study Section (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 21 2
M5_W44 Print your patient: from imaging to the 3D model
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1625 Elective Clinical Study Section (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 21 2
M5_W45 Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1625 Elective Clinical Study Section (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 21 2
M5_W46 Public Health Nutrition
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1625 Elective Clinical Study Section (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 21 2
M5_W47 Radiology Olympics
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1625 Elective Clinical Study Section (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 21 2
M5_W48 Radiotherapy
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1625 Elective Clinical Study Section (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 21 2
M5_W49 Scientific Writing in Radio-Oncology
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1625 Elective Clinical Study Section (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 21 2
M5_W50 Simulation training: pedicle screw instrumentation of the spine based on percutaneous image conversion
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1625 Elective Clinical Study Section (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 21 2
M5_W51 Skin and sexually transmitted diseases
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1625 Elective Clinical Study Section (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 21 2
M5_W52 Stem-cell-based 3D in vitro models in basic gynaecological research
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1625 Elective Clinical Study Section (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 21 2
M5_W53 Surgery: 3D surgery
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1625 Elective Clinical Study Section (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 21 2
M5_W54 Surgery: Coloproctology and endoscopy
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1625 Elective Clinical Study Section (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 21 2
M5_W55 Surgery: Colorectal surgery
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1625 Elective Clinical Study Section (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 21 2
M5_W56 Surgery: Foot surgery
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1625 Elective Clinical Study Section (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 21 2
M5_W57 Surgery: Hepatobiliary surgery and transplant surgery
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1625 Elective Clinical Study Section (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 21 2
M5_W58 Surgery: Intensive care
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1625 Elective Clinical Study Section (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 21 2
M5_W59 Surgery: Oncological surgery
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1625 Elective Clinical Study Section (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 21 2
M5_W60 Surgery: Oral and maxillofacial surgery
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1625 Elective Clinical Study Section (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 21 2
M5_W61 Surgery: Plastic surgery
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1625 Elective Clinical Study Section (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 21 2
M5_W62 Surgery: Thoracic surgery
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1625 Elective Clinical Study Section (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 21 2
M5_W63 Surgery: Trauma surgery
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1625 Elective Clinical Study Section (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 21 2
M5_W64 Surgery: Vascular surgery
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1625 Elective Clinical Study Section (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 21 2
M5_W65 Surgery: Visceral surgery
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1625 Elective Clinical Study Section (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 21 2
M5_W66 Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) – Diagnostics and acupuncture
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1625 Elective Clinical Study Section (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 21 2
M5_W67 Tropical medicine
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1625 Elective Clinical Study Section (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 21 2
M5_W68 Tropical medicine and Global Health
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1625 Elective Clinical Study Section (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 21 2
M5_W69 Virtuelle Hochschule Bayern (vhb) online course – MedPhysio: Rehabilitation on an interprofessional basis
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1625 Elective Clinical Study Section (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 21 2
M5_W70 Weekend course: Diagnosis and treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1625 Elective Clinical Study Section (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 21 2
M5_W71 MeCuM Intensive Course Teaching (InSeL)
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1625 Elective Clinical Study Section (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 21 2
M5_W72 Medical Master Minds  - From Symptoms to Diagnosis:
CodeCourse Unit TitleHoursECTS
7M1625 Elective Clinical Study Section (online booking after you have been successfully assigned) 21 2