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Hertie Network of Excellence in Clinical Neuroscience

  • LMU-Head: Prof. Dr. med. Martin Dichgans
  • Institution: Institute for Stroke and Dementia Research (ISD), University Hospital, LMU Munich
  • Promotion: since 2020

National and international brain research has meanwhile yielded numerous findings that open up both innovative strategies for diagnostics and therapy and, increasingly, for early detection and prevention of brain diseases. The major challenge is to decisively accelerate the process of translating research results from the laboratory to the clinic and to advance it for the benefit of the patient.

Neuroscientific focal points of the Munich location with the two universities of excellence, the Ludwig Maximilian University (LMU) and the Technical University (TUM) are neurodegenerative diseases, stroke and diseases of the cerebral vessels, as well as inflammatory diseases of the central nervous system. LMU and TUM attach particular importance to the promotion of young talent: In addition to the training of clinician scientists, both have extensive experience in the training of basic researchers who devote themselves to disease-related issues and, together with clinician scientists, advance the research and treatment of diseases.
